The White Tops comes with your CFA membership. Click to download a PDF of a whole magazine.

The current White Tops cover features a photograph of the Monte Caro Circus by David Johnson..
The White Tops is the official magazine of the Circus Fans Association of America, better known as the CFA. White Tops began as a newsletter in May, 1927 and is now a full color magazine that comes with your CFA membership six times a year. Click on the magazine cover at the left to look through a whole issue. (The PDF of the magazine is 2.3 MB, therefore, it might take a little while to download.) You get the latest, full color, printed issue when you join CFA.
Click below for a PDF of the table of contents or the feature article in the current issue:
The May/June 2020 White Tops Table of Contents features a photo of Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey in 1986 by Paul Gutheil plus a listing of stories on Billy Martin's circus, the Rajah Shrine Circus, Big Apple Circus, and Cirque Ma'Ceo. Look for the features on Paul Gutheil and the Monto Carlo Festival.
Featured this time is a story and photographs on the Big Apple Circus in its New York City home.
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The Circus Fans Association of America